Friday, 16 December 2016

Final Rough Draft DPS

this is my final draft of my DPS and the only thing I changed is the title and the font colour of the seconf paragraph to make it match to colours of the rest of the magazine.

Final Rough Draft Contents

This is my final draft of the contents page where I made it more like a real contents page by making the font the same colour as the font on the cover so they match and added more topics in.

Final Rough Draft Cover

This is my updated and final draft of which I used feedback from the previous draft to make this one more likeable to my target audience. I added more headings and added the full name of the magazine.

Tuesday, 6 December 2016

Photoshoot Organisation Plan


·         Electric guitar

·         Acoustic guitar

·         2 giant speakers

·         10 plain discs

·         20 records

·         Microphone

·         Teddy bear



·         Bedroom

·         Stairway

·         Park

·         Skate park



·         Rebecca Robertson (female, blonde, 16 years old)

·         Saskia Lay (female, purple, 16 years old)

·         Kiera Corr (female, brunette, 16 years old)

·         Danielle Horn (female, pink, 17 years old)

·         Jaymes Lilly (male, dark blonde, 17 years old)


Make-up Artist

·         Caitlin Renwick- Hair stylist

·         Lucy Barton- Make-up
I did this in order to check off everything when it comes to my actual photo-shoot on the 10th of December. This way I know what I have to do and What I have left to do so I don't miss anything out and will get a large range of images.

Audience Feedback Of Digital Mock Up

This is my prezi do explore audiences feedback on my digital mock ups of the cover, contents and DPS pages. I then took from the feedback what I need to change for my first drafts and added it to the prezi. I did this as my audience is the most important thing to think about when producing my magazine as they are the ones that would potentially buy it if it were an actual product. I found that some things really worked for some members of my audience but not for others, therefore I put the most common comments onto my presentation because it is more important to please a majority of my audience rather than a select few.

Monday, 5 December 2016

Music Magazine Digital Mock Up DPS

This is my rough digital DPS which I made to see how I wanted to lay out the text as I wasn't sure if I wanted to do it in columns or paragraphs. I decided to go with 3 columns as I though it looked more professional and would be more appealing to the audiences eye than one large chunk of text. However I wasn't too sure on how to present the title and so is something I plan to change in the future as I feel it doesn't seem bold enough for a rock magazine.

Music Magazine Digital Mock Up Contents Page

This is my rough digital contents page mock up. I made this to see what layout works best and I found that text one side in a strip works best as it is clear and allows room for images the other side. I also explored the use of the colour orange to add some colour and quirk to the page but still be clear to read and understand.

Music Magazine Digital Mock Up Cover

This is my rough digital draft of my rock magazine. I did this in order to see how I want to lay out my cover and see what colours work together. I wanted to minimalize the amount of content on the page as I didn't want it looking clustered or messy. I stuck to a black and white image as it works well with my genre of rock and it allows me to experiment more with font colours.